The power of ‘yeah, nah’ in sticking to your strategy

Saying 'yeah nah' can feel a bit odd at first but trust me.

Your bank account, your state of mind and your business depend on you embracing this and developing your OWN strategy that works for you.

From ChatGPT to TikTok reels, and even the Metaverse (is that still a thing???) there's a never ending shiny new ways to distract you away from what you SHOULD be doing.

If you're a big business, then a little dabbling with measured experiments is part of the plan.

Your strategy is likely built around this... innovation + nailing the basics with your core range every single day is in your DNA. You've got the time, the people, and the bank balance that will survive NPD not working, social media campaigns that reach no one and giving your agencies some 'play' money.


🚩 Your cashflow will run out faster than you can say 'but it will go viral and save us'; and your accountant will give up trying to give advice.

🚩Your body & brain will explode from the stress of hope and the overwork of chasing every single new possible lead, idea or new thing.

🚩Your plan (if you have one) will be rewritten weekly with ever changing goals.

🚩Your potential retailers will be confused by the latest idea you're pitching to them before even seeing results from your first launch.

🚩Your potential consumers will ignore you (or not even see you) because you keep changing and they don't care enough to keep up.


By being really really clear on what you are saying YES to - and sticking to it.

👍 YES, we're clear on who our target segment is in the market

👍 YES, we've looked at our margin model and know what level of discount & spend we can afford.

👍 YES, we've spent lots of time in retail stores understanding which is right for our brand.

👍 YES, we've talked to LOTS of consumers to understand their needs - and how we can solve it.

👍 YES, we have a clear positioning based on 2-3 things that we know are relevant to our target.

👍 YES, we've Googled our way through all the free market analysis we can find so we're comfortable with our goals.

👍 YES, we have a few (ideally less than 5) objectives that we're all focused on and aligned.

👍 YES, I have an accountant that I trust to stop me making wild crazy spending decisions.

= = = =

So get your 'yeah nah' muscle working by scrolling on by when the next expert tells you the Metaverse/ ChatGPT/ TikTok/ Reels/ blah blah will magically deliver all your wishes.

Yeah, nah.....


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